Affordable Housing

A home can be an asset or a money pit, a source of health or illness, an emblem of security or precarity. For centuries, structural racism has distributed these advantages and disadvantages along racial lines. 

People Need Homes

The affordable housing crisis is playing out in headlines, legislatures, and daily life across the country. In most U.S. cities, at least 40 percent of renter households pay more than they can afford for rent, and race-based gaps in homeownership and access to affordable, healthy housing contribute to significant social and economic inequities. While affordable housing developers, housing and homeless organizations, and sympathetic legislators put heroic efforts into individual projects, a lasting solution must center systems and scale.

Preserving and Producing Affordable Homes

Capital absorption is a critical tool for tackling housing challenges without causing displacement. When communities define shared housing priorities, develop affordable housing pipelines, and create just, equitable housing policies, they can transform their housing investment systems and attract funding at scale to preserve and build quality affordable homes. 

Affordable Housing Resources

We offer tools, research, and ideas to help those implementing affordable housing solutions.

Advancing Local Community Investment Systems

Participants in CCI’s programs develop capital absorption, racial equity, leadership, and collaboration skills to create the specific opportunities residents seek.

Past Programs

The multisector place-based teams in Connect Capital used the Capital Absorption Framework to lay the groundwork for attracting and deploying capital at scale to achieve economic and development community goals.

The Connecting Capital and Community (3C) initiative, funded by JPMorgan Chase & Co, addresses the racial inequities at the core of the housing ecosystem in six cities across the country.

Past Programs

Hospitals and health systems can be game-changing participants in efforts to improve conditions in the places they serve. They can do this through investing upstream in the social determinants, harnessing an array of assets to create more equitable, sustainable, and healthy communities.

Field Leaders

Meet some of the people working in affordable housing to advance equity in the housing ecosystem. 

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