Fulcrum Fellowship 2025

The Fulcrum Fellowship is a multiracial, multisector group of community development and social justice professionals dedicated to advancing racial equity in their communities. The 13-month program equips leaders with the skills and knowledge in community investment, racial equity, and adaptive leadership that will enable them to use capital to accelerate their efforts on behalf of their communities. 

Program Structure

About the Program

 Throughout the program, Fellows will engage in collaborative problem-solving, personalized coaching, and systems thinking exercises to deepen their leadership practice and create actionable strategies for equity-driven change in communities. 

Applicants should be prepared to hold the following dates for in-person seminars in Berkeley, California:
November 4-6, 2025
February 24-26, 2026
May 19-21, 2026
September 15-17, 2026
December 8-10, 2026

Seminars, Coaching, and Group Sessions

Over the course of this 13-month program, Fellows will participate in five multi-day in-person seminars, complemented by a blend of virtual monthly personalized coaching and group sessions during the program’s bridging periods.

Experienced Facilitators

Led by experienced facilitators, the program creates a crucible for personal and professional growth, fueled by a diverse community of peers tackling complementary challenges.

CCI’s Capital Absorption Framework

Fellows will use the CCI’s Capital Absorption Framework and systems thinking tools to deepen their understanding of historical and structural racial disparities, design impactful strategies for change in their communities, and develop the self-awareness and mindset needed to foster collaborative, system-wide solutions in today’s political climate. 

Program Goals

Our Goals for Fellows

Throughout the program, Fellows will engage in collaborative problem-solving, personalized coaching, and systems thinking exercises to deepen their leadership practice and create actionable strategies for equity-driven change. 

Strengthen personal and collective leadership capacities by deepening self-awareness, cultivating resilience, and sharpening the ability to navigate complexity in pursuit of community-defined change.  

Embed a systemic understanding of racial equity through the Capital Absorption Framework and other tools, empowering leaders to design and implement strategies that are bold, actionable, and rooted in equity.  

Equip leaders with adaptive tools and frameworks to confront and reshape the systems that perpetuate racial inequities in community investment and development. 

Program Criteria

Who Can Apply to Be a Fellow

Our program brings together a diverse cohort of up to 16 rising executives from the public, nonprofit, philanthropic, and private sectors. Each Fellow will commit to addressing a challenge of critical importance to their organization and community. Eligible participants are those who:


Are focused on bringing about systems change to realize racial equity


Have been working for at least 10 to 15 years in one of our focus fields—community health, climate resilience, housing and community development, creative placemaking, philanthropy, and finance


Are charged with leading an organizational or cross-organizational effort that is of prime importance to their community and will rely on investment capital to succeed


Are willing to rethink and reframe current strategies to accelerate progress and deepen impact


Are interested in developing deeper self-awareness and personal efficacy in their leadership


Are eager to learn, give and receive coaching, and participate in a network of diverse, committed peers


Can commit to the entire 13-month program, with written endorsement from their organization



“No matter where I go [in finance], there will always be systems, structures, and mindsets that are going to bring challenges. [The Fellowship] has allowed me to navigate those challenges and see from a systems point of view where solutions can be uplifted and where we can align to ensure that communities are supported.”

Jaime Gloshay, Managing Director of Impact Investments, CommonFuture

Fulcrum Fellowship Applications Open February 2025

Applications for the Fulcrum Fellowship will open in February 2025 and close March 31, 2025. 
