AboutNewsProspectus: Sustainable Communities Investment Accelerator

Prospectus: Sustainable Communities Investment Accelerator

Topics Capital Absorption Climate Multisector Partnerships and Initiatives

The Center for Community Investment (CCI), with support from the Wells Fargo Foundation, is launching a Sustainable Communities Investment Accelerator (SCIA). Beginning in May and running for 18 months, the Accelerator will support the rollout of solutions that improve the resilience of low-income, disadvantaged communities in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis.

Accelerator participants will learn and implement CCI’s Capital Absorption Framework, a systems approach that will enable them to: move their Accelerator projects forward more efficiently and effectively; ensure that the equity dimensions of those projects are direct, substantial, and long-lasting; and influence the overall community investment system as they address local climate impacts.

The Accelerator will provide grants, coaching, technical support, and opportunities for peer learning to a team comprised of a project developer, community partner(s) and other key organizations in each city. It will also support and facilitate coordination with financial institutions to smooth the financing of projects, refine product features, and leverage private capital. The participant selection process will prioritize projects that the Accelerator can help advance toward completion within 18 months.

The Accelerator is also designed to support a deeper field-level understanding of what it takes to create, fund, and build successful solutions to support resilience. We will be sharing our emerging knowledge about resident engagement and ownership, capital deployment, equity impacts, and effective multisector collaboration with the community development field.

SCIA Prospectus V5
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