Nora Bloch

Fulcrum Fellows

2017 - 2018

Field Catalysts

2021 - 2022

Focus Area:
Affordable HousingCommunity HealthFinance
MA Community Climate Bank
Senior Policy Manager
Boston, Massachusetts

Nora Bloch the Senior Policy Manager at the Massachusetts Community Green Bank. Prior to this role, she served as the Initiative Director for Health and Housing at the Center for Community Investment. In this role, she focuses on building and deepening partnerships between affordable housing developers, investors, community leaders, and health institutions.  She also supports participants in other CCI programs that are developing pipelines of projects to meet their community’s priorities.

Previously, Nora built a career as a community development lender, first at Eastern Bank (formerly Wainwright Bank), and then as a Senior Lender at BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital). She financed affordable housing, community facilities, commercial revitalization, and healthy food projects. Nora was in the inaugural cohort of CCI’s Fulcrum Fellows and Field Catalyst leadership development programs.

Nora is a graduate of Grinnell College and holds a Master’s degree in Public and Private Management from Yale University. She lives in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston with her family.